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Technology Integration

We combine our technologies to create a greener future.

Technology Integration

We rethink how energy is produced, stored and used.

Society has become accustomed to  the energy sector as a series of silos – e.g. the gas, heating and the electricity sector –  for many years focus has been on creating savings within each silo. However, if society really is to benefit from new green technologies, it must start thinking about the energy system in a circular way by rethinking how energy is produced, stored and used across the silos. 

If successful, we can store excess energy from one type of energy in another sector before it is used in a third, entailing energy is never wasted. For example, we can utilise the CO2 from existing biogas and CHP plants in Power-to-X production. And the excess heat from hydrogen production made with electrolysis can go into district heating systems.

Power-to-X is an enabler of the future

We are a leading developer within wind and solar, and in our projects, we also construct and operate batteries, electrolysers and other Power-to-X technologies. We cover more of the entire renewable energy value chain by combining our knowledge and adding the possibilities to transform green energy into hydrogen or e-methanol.

Power-to-X (PtX)
EWE Ptx Illustration (1)

We aim to benefit from new green technologies, and first step is to think the energy system in a circular way

Eurowind Energy has for the past couple of years worked on the concept of Energy Centres. These large centres will include wind turbines, solar, batteries, and PtX (hydrogen production). In addition to this, integration of biogas and hydrogen refining is part of the centres.

Energy Centres
Energicenter Grafik

Biogas is a compliment to the current technology mix of wind, solar PV and PtX

Eurowind Energy sees the use of biogas as a necessary fuel for certain industries that can not be electrified. Biogas on the other hand should not have a role in heating of domestic households or power generation.

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